A Viral Star Got Her Face Tattoo Removed And Looks Completely Different Now

Since getting a tattoo no longer has to be a permanent thing in life, more and more people seem to get ever increasingly extreme tattoos to mark their bodies with. One of the most controversial ways to get inked up is getting a face tattoo. Alyssa Zebrasky, born and raised in Ohio, went viral after her mug shots went public and got spread around on the internet like wildfire because her face was absolutely covered in somewhat ghastly tattoos. This was back in 2018 so we didn’t invent hundreds of new memes on a daily basis – people definitely saw these pictures and spread them around.

When your tattoos are as extensive as this real life skeleton woman, it’s not very easy to get them removed in a single session. You can see in the pictures of what she looks like now that she still has a ways to go before the skeleton contours and spiderwebs are completely gone from her face, but the transformation is already pretty amazing!